By: admin On: August 15, 2022 In: Uncategorized

Trust Is Critical for Leadership Success

 Trust isn’t a concept to take lightly.  This behavioral characteristic and cultural dynamic is critical to forging relationships and is the foundation of success. It’s a fundamental element of leadership.  Little moves forward, nor can be sustained, without trust.

 That said, all too often trust is taken for granted. Leaders assume they’ve earned and instilled trust within their team – but in reality, few have done the deliberate heavy lifting required to lay claim to this honor.  Further, few recognize the fragile and precarious nature of trust. Thoughtless actions can unintentionally destroy trust in the blink of an eye. One minute you have it, the next it’s gone.

 Knowing this precious gem is difficult to mine, challenging to sustain, and almost impossible to measure, it’s critical to be intentional about cultivating and nurturing trust every day. Great leaders who’ve mastered the tenets of trust-building find success comes quicker and more easily when trust is the foundation of what they do.  Teams and organizations flourish when trust is prioritized.

 To help you launch your trust-building journey, consider the following strategies:

  • Take an Honest Approach. Great leaders start with self-assessment. They ask themselves if their words and deeds are congruent… and if their actions and behaviors are building or eroding trust. They dig deeply into their memory bank to unearth concrete examples of when they endeavored to build trust. They evaluate successes and what has worked… and more importantly, they consider their failures and how they can improve moving forward. They work to develop intentional trust building activities… and they continually test for effectiveness.
  • Ask for Critical Feedback. It’s not easy to hear the truth, especially when it involves criticism.  But strength comes from having the courage to listen intently, processing the input, rolling with the punches, and building your resilience.  Don’t overreact or get defensive.  Instead, be curious, be open to suggestions… and explore feedback that might indicate potential room for improvement. The best leader is one who couples vulnerability with determination. If you want to build trust, show others how you learn. Lead by example… and model the way.
  • Work With a Coach. Working with a Coach is a great way to learn first-hand about building trust-based professional relationships. Find a professional that aligns with your style to help you discover blind spots and potential areas of resistance.  Work with someone who can help you deeply examine areas for improvement and any ingrained habits that may require thoughtful change.  Your coach can partner with you to develop an accountable approach that will lead to change.  Remember, trust is the objective. Uncovering new ways to garner, embody, and sustain trust will positively impact your success.

Ultimately, trust must be earned.  Once you demonstrate that you prioritize trust, your team will follow suit.  The critical element of trust is one that shouldn’t be dismissed in a successful leadership journey.