By: admin On: September 22, 2022 In: Uncategorized

When you reflect on what you want out of your life and career, you probably have big dreams. Most leaders do.  Good leaders aren’t just focused on their own aspirations, they have high expectations for their team and organization too!

Dreams and goals are incredibility important… but unless you’re actively working towards achieving them, they’re just wishes.  The differentiator between successful leaders and not-so-successful leaders comes down to results. If you want to achieve your dreams and be known as one who gets results, you need accountability. It’s the key to attaining your goals.

Once you introduce accountability to your team you’ll see progress, productivity, and performance soar…. but you’ll need to be deliberate about creating this dynamic. You’ll need to invest in yourself and your team.  One of the most successful ways to do this, is to work with a leadership coach – an expert in the industry. If you want to create accountability, seriously grow in your leadership journey, and truly make a difference, consider the following:

Results & Accountability

Tired of starting over on your goals?  You’re not alone.  Sadly, roughly eighty percent of New Year’s resolutions are never achieved… and most are abandoned as early as March. It happens.  You’re human.  Life gets in the way.  Unfortunately, with all the expectations heaped upon you in your personal and professional life, there’s typically very little time left for, well… you!  This can lead to goal abandonment, disappointment, and even guilt.

That said, we see people every day who successfully work towards their goals and somehow achieve their dreams.  So, what makes them different from the rest of us?  They often have the same, or in some cases, more responsibilities weighing upon them. They may even have begun further back from the starting line… (perhaps having needed to overcome an illness, physical or psychological impediment, or some other obstacle/challenge that we’ve fortunately not had to confront.)  Yet somehow and somewhere along the line, they passed us by on the track and achieved the gold standard.

This isn’t to suggest that you haven’t realized success with your goals before.  This article is simply challenging you to think about all the resolutions, goals, dreams, and opportunities that have slipped through your fingers that were once very important to you.  As you reflect on them now, do they still matter? Maybe you have different dreams or objectives at this stage in life. That’s great. You’ve changed. But have you changed your approach to achieving your goals and dreams?  When you set goals, do you “consistently follow through”?  How often to you successfully “land the plane’?  How’s your “reliability”?

If you want to get more out of your career and your life, then you need to intentionally focus on accountability.  There is truly no better route to goal attainment.

A key strategy for enhancing accountability… is leadership and team coaching.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”.

A coach will listen intently and help you develop and clearly articulate your vivid future vision. Your coach will partner with you as you frame your goals and establish clear objectives with measurable outcomes. They will ask questions to help you carefully consider your stakeholders, analyze systems, contextualize processes, and anticipate potential obstacles. Your coach will support you as you build an action plan with timelines, milestones, and success measures… and they will co-create an accountability process that will help bring focus and success.

Coaching sets the stage for true accountability.  You’ll feel motivated, inspired, and vested in your success as your coach helps you drive your mission and vision… and create a strategy and goals that get real results.

The ROI when working with a qualified credentialed coach who possesses substantial leadership experience can be significant.  In fact, a Metrix Global study found that executive coaching has a 788% return on investment:

If that isn’t reason enough to hire the right coach, then simply consider the accountability factor. When you can brainstorm with another person… one who will hold your feet to the fire and help you work through obstacles (external or internal) – you double your chance of success.

It’s your call.  If you’re a leader looking to get more from your personal and professional life… and want to see the same type of results with your team, find a great coach as your accountability partner.  When you create accountability, the opportunities are truly endless.
#leadershipcoaching #accountibility #humanresources #executive #leadership #success